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A.I. or not to A.I.

It has been a while since I posted anything here. The past 2 years have been a little busy and a little crazy. Over the last few months I have been watching Artificial Intelligence quietly explode across the internet. Initially, i must admit that I was slightly depressed, especially whem I saw how amazing some of the images it created looked. I thought my years of art college may have been a total waste. Am I happy about A.I. exploding onto the scene this year? Well, I’m still not sure. I’ve used it along with some illustrator brushes to create more products for my Etsy shop. I must admit that I am very happy with the results. It still took hours to create the finished artwork but it was certainly a lot quicker than it usually too me…which used to be days. I am wise enough to know that it is too early to give my opinion on A.I. now. I guess I will just see how things continue over the next year. Exciting times ahead? Maybe.